Student Data Privacy
Here you will find a list of district's contracts with service providers who may have access to Region 16 Student data in compliance with Connecticut Public Act 16-189. Region 16 takes the privacy of your student data very seriously, if you have a specific privacy concern, please email [email protected].
As of October 1, 2016 as the district enters into a new contract with a serivice provider that falls under CT 16-189. Information about the contract will be posted in the below spreadsheet. It includes links to the contract itself, as well as what kind of data the service provider may have access to.
Region 16 Student Data Privacy Contract List
These links probide information about your rights as a parent, and the District's responsibilities as it pertains to data privacy.
US Department of Education FERPA Page
Connecticut Public Act 16-189 "An Act Concerning Student Data Privacy"