Parents » Parent Resources

Parent Resources

Schoology Logo

Schoology is an online learning, classroom management, and social networking platform that improves learning through better communication, collaboration, and increased access to curriculum and supplemental content.

How to sign up for Schoology or add students to an existing parent account

Schoology Login Page for Parents

Schoology Login Page for Students


LINQ Connect Logo
Region 16 has moved to LINQ Connect our payment processing.  You can use LINQ Connect to add funds to your child's meal balance, order items or pay fees like the Chromebook Protection Plan fee.
LINQ Connect has an available Android and Apple apps:

PowerSchool Logo

PowerSchool is our region School Information System. Parents should sign up for a Parent Access Account so they can check attendance and have their email addresses available to teachers. At the Middle and High School levels you can also check grades.

PowerSchool Parent Sign In


Schoology Logo
PK-12 Learning Management
PowerSchool Logo
PK-12 Student Information System

Virtual Paragon Logo
PK-12 Parent/Teacher conference scheduling

Naviance Logo
Grades 8-12 College and Career Readiness
Borrow eBooks and Audiobooks with Overdrive
OverDrive for borrowing eBooks and audiobooks
Khan Academy Logo
Grades 6-8 Mathematics