Nutrition Services » Nutrition Services

Nutrition Services

The CT Summer Meals Program is federally funded by the USDA and state-administered by the Connecticut State Department of Education (CSDE). The program provides free, nutritious meals to kids during summer break. Summer Meals meet federal nutrition guidelines and are composed of milk, fruits, vegetables, grains, and meat or another protein. Summer Meals are offered at hundreds of sites around the state from June to late August, serving  combinations of breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks. Meals are free to any child age 18-and-under, no questions asked.

If you are interested in free Summer Meals for Kids please visit... or call 211 for information about where they can be located!

Elementary $3.00; Middle $3.25; High School Lunch $3.50

High School Breakfast $1.50-$2.00

ALA CARTE SNACKS: $0.50 - $1.50

ICE CREAM TREATS: $0.50 - $2.00

Our school lunch program offers a wide choice of healthful meals. We serve a variety of fruit, vegetables and whole grain items each school day. Our school district participates in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) which is governed by United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). We follow the new USDA meal pattern guidelines. We offer five components daily: Protein, Dairy, Grains, Fruits, Vegetables. Our weekly menus do not exceed 30% total and 10% saturated fat and they contain zero trans fat. Our menu stays below the mandated sodium limit in all schools.

Children who qualify under the USDA guidelines may get meals free or at a reduced price of .40 cents for lunch. Please refer to our Free & Reduced Lunch Information Page.

Woodland High School students who qualify for free or reduced price meals may get a free or reduced price breakfast ($.30 cents) each school day. Paid cold breakfast bundles are $1.50 and hot breakfast bundles are $2.00.

Region 16 implements a point-of-sale computerized lunch system throughout its five kitchen locations. In the elementary schools, deposits are converted into lunches and are placed in a child's lunch account. They are automatically deducted at the point-of-service. In the middle and high school, deposits are placed in an account balance. This enables students to purchase ala carte items along with the school lunch. Middle and High School students deposit funds in their accounts as they proceed through the lunch line. Cash remitted daily is also accepted. is our on-line lunch deposit service for parent's convenience. There is a $2.60 transaction fee for lunch fund deposits using However you may view your child's account balance or view participation reports free of charge.

For questions regarding the school lunch program, please contact the Food Service Director, Patricia Iraci at 203.758.6671 or via email [email protected]

For questions regarding, please contact Melanie McNeely at 203.758.6671 or via email

Thank you for your patronage and support of our school meals programs.