Parent Student Handbook
Who-To-Call List
Call the Teacher if ...
- You have a question about homework, grades, tests, quizzes, class projects, or classroom behavior.
- If you want to set up a meeting with an individual teacher.
Call the Attendance Office if ...
- You are reporting a daily or extended absence.
- If you need to dismiss your son/daughter early, pick up your student, or to report a tardy. (203-881-5551 and press 1)
Call a Department Chairperson if ...
- You need further clarification about a course or sequence of courses.
Call your son/daughter's School Counselor if ...
- You have a question about your son/daughter's schedule.
- You are concerned about personal or academic issues.
- If you have a question about courses for next year.
- If you want a meeting with all of your son/daughter's teachers.
- If you have a question about post high school plans. (203-881-5551 and press 3)
Call your son/daughter's Advisor if ...
- You have a question or concern about Advisory Group.
- You have a question or concern about the sophomore exhibition.
Call your son/daughter's Coach if ...
- You have a question about the schedule and schedule changes.
- You have a question or concern about an injury.
- If your son/daughter has an excused reason for missing practice.
- A concern with your son/daughter's school work.
Call the Athletic Director if ...
- You have already called the coach and you need further clarification.
Call an Administrator if ...
- Your question or concern has not been addressed with a prior phone call.
- You have an issue not addressed on this list.
For the office of Principal Kurt Ogren press 5 from the automated menu
For the office of Athletic Director/Assistant Principal Mr. Christopher Decker press 6
For the offices of Dr. Dana Mulligan or Mr. Ryan Mackenzie press 7
Woodland High School Main Number: 203-881-5551
If you would like to leave a voicemail for a faculty or staff member enter that extension by pressing the# key and the number. If you do not know the extension press 4 for the directory and follow the prompts.
For General Assistance press 7 from the automated menu.